Ganesh Sankashta Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha in a traditional Hindu month. Sankashti Chaturti is observed on the fourth day after Poornima (the full moon). Ganesha devotees observe a fast (fasting or upvaas) on the day from sunrise. The fasting ends after sighting of the moon. The date of Ganesh Sankashta Chaturthi is February 12, 2009.
The greatness and auspiciousness of Sankashti Chaturti Vrata was mentioned to Yudhishtira by Lord Krishna. The significance of it also mentioned in the Narasinha Purana and Bhavisaya Purana.
Fasting on Ganesha Sankashta Chaturthi begins at sunrise and ends after moonrise – sighting of moon.
Devotees offer pujas and worship at Ganesha Temples. All Ganesh temples conduct special pujas and rituals.
It is widely believed that observing Sankashta Chaturthi will bring material progress, prosperity and happiness and it will also help in the fulfillment of desires.
Ganesh Sankashta Chaturthi Vrata is of great importance in Marathi culture.
The Chaurthi falling after Amavas is known as Vinayaki Chaturthi and it also considered auspicious by many Ganesha devotees.
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