- KundaliniNadiSushumnaIda and PingalaShat-chakrasMuladharaSvadhishthanaManipuraAnahataVishuddhaAjnaSahasrara
- ndryas),
- Muladhara Chakra Muladhara (mula = root; hadara = support) is the lowest of the chakras, it's located at the base of the spine, between the anus and the penis. From this chakra four impotrant nadis emanate which appear as lotus petals. the subtle vibrations that are made by each nadi are represented by sanskrit letters. In the middle of the white circle there is a yellow square, region of Prithvi ,the symbol of Prithvi tattwa (earth element). inside the square, the elefant Airvata (king of elefants, vehicle of Indra, king of the deva) carries on his back the bija (syllable) Lam , or bija-dhara (earth-seed). the bija carries on his lap Brahma (creator). above Airvata, near the mouth of Vajra nadi, shines a triangle which sybolise the yoni (uterus) of the Goddess Mother of the universe. The Yoni is called Kama (love) or Kamarupa (form of love) or Traipura (three-side city). inside the yoni is Svayambhu in his Linga form (divine phallus), in other words the male prime cause of the universe, Shiva. Within the Svayambhu Linga reigns dominant Para, the Sri Paramesvari, the awakener of eternal knowlwdge. She is the omnipotent Kala, wonderfully skillful creator.
corresponding nerve plexus in the physical body
sacro-coccygeal plexus
just below kanda,between the root of genitals and anus. at the base of spinal column
petals, or no. of yoga nadis
colour of petals
letters on the petals - or the vibrations of the yoga nadis
Vam , Sam , Sham , Ssam
mandala, or the region of tattwa, or element
bhumandal, or prithvi, or region of earth
yantra, or shape of the mandala
bija akshara, or seed
presiding god
brahma four faced
dakini (shakti)
deva or tattwa
colour of tattwas
function of tattwa, or quality
gandha or smell
granthi sthana
brahma granthi
result of concentration
health and vidya
The awkening of Kundalini ShaktiThe Jivatma in the subtle body, the rececptacle of the five vital airs (pancha pranas), mind in its three aspects of Manas, Buddhi and Ahamkara; the five organs of action (Karmendryas); and the five organs of perception (Jne are united with Kula-kundalini. The Kama Vayu in the Muladhara is given a leftward revolution and the fire wich is round kundalini is kindled. by the bija Hum , and the heat of fire thus kindled, the coiled and sleeping Kundalini is awakened.she who lay asleep, with her mouth closing the mouth of Sushumna (Brahmadwara) will, on being roused, enter that door and move upwards, united with the Jivatma. On this upward movement, Brahma, Savitri, Dakini-shakti, the devas, bija and Vritti, are dissolved in the body of Kundalini. Prithvi is converted into bija Lam and is also merged in her body. When Kundalini leaves the Muladhara, the lotus, which on the awakening of kundalini had opened and tuned its flowers upwards, again closes and hangs downwards.
URL for this page: http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kundalini_eng/muladhara.html
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