all available information about lord ganesha

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Innocence and Ganesha Tattwa
Sahaja Yogis are very aware that restoring or uncovering the innocence and establishing the Ganesha Tattwa is of utmost importance for us all. Tattwa is a Sanskrit word from the eastern religious traditions meaning the essential element and qualities (and so Tattwa of Shri Ganesha would indicate the Earth element, innocence, purity, wisdom, discretion, joy, and complete surrender and obedience to the Divine Mother of Creation).Shri Ganesha is the elephant-headed boy formed and created from the earth by the very hands of the Supreme Goddess, Parvati (Adi Shakti). It is Shri Ganesha who governs the Mooladhara subtle energy centre, or Chakra, located within the nerve plexus at the base of the spine, and who also protects his Mother, Kundalini.A main quality of Shri Ganesha is innocence, the innocence of a child wholly devoted and obedient to his Mother - who is the Mother of the Earth, the Universe, all of Creation.Do we really know what innocence means? Of course, it's shown by the obvious right and balanced behaviour and clean attention free of any lowliness or filth of the world, but it's also much deeper than that. My understanding of the meaning of ‘innocence’ is when one is completely within the Divine power, being a balanced, pure instrument - as the Lakota would say, being a hollow bone - for the Creator's use. Innocence is being completely aware and dynamic without any interference of the mind from left side energy (superego; emotions; events, experiences or people from the past; being overly passive and submissive) or right side energy (ego; too much thinking; futuristic tendencies; being overly active; dominating or aggressive tendencies).Innocence can manifest only by having our awareness and attention fully established in a state of higher consciousness above the mind - in Sahasrara at the crown of the head.The I Ching describes ‘innocence’ as follows:"When one's inner movement follows and accords with the will of heaven, one is innocent and without guile.One's mind is natural and true, unshadowed by reflection or ulterior design.Where conscious purpose is to be seen, the truth and innocence of true nature have been lost.Nature not directed by the spirit is degenerate.Innocence shows man's proper relationship to the divine: primal innocence in harmony with heavenly fate, the will of heaven."Some insights about Shri Ganesha and his element, Earth:Earth is the only element which contains all the other four elements within it (i.e. Ether, Water, Air and Fire). Shri Ganesha governs Mooladhara Chakra and protects Mother Kundalini, however, due to his qualities embodying elemental Earth, Shri Ganesha also resides on all the other subtle energy centres, or Chakras. This is one reason why our prayers to and meditations on Shri Ganesha clear and balance the entire subtle energy system. Australia and New Zealand represent the Mooladhara Chakra within the Virata, the Chakra symbolized by the carbon atom, the Omkara and the ancient auspicious Swastika symbol.If Ganesha Tattwa is established within us, we know with full certainty what is Truth in what we see and understand, what is pure Spirit and what is just illusion, all completely uncoloured by influences from the mind. Ganesha Tattwa enables us to know undoubtedly and spontaneously which is the correct way to go, the appropriate action to take, the decision which is best, the words to use or not use, etc. because Ganesha Tattwa is completely informed by Spirit and Spirit is absolute, is the Truth.I feel that Ganesha Tattwa in the Hindu tradition is probably identical to the subtle depth of awareness of their connection to the Mother Earth of traditional Indigenous Peoples around the world.Shri Mataji has said about Mother Nature, Innocence and Shri Ganesha:“For example Mother Earth has done Her job. Wherever it was possible for Her, She has created living deities to show that God exists, that you can now test their vibrations and see how She has worked very hard. She has crated this beautiful universe. She has created you also and the Kundalini within you. She represents the beautiful nature. She blesses all of you the same but those who are sensitive, subtler people enjoy Her much more.”“Through Kundalini awakening, you become aware of yourself within, and you become aware of others within. This is the collective consciousness; this is what Sahaja Yoga is.Sahaja Yoga is the system of Nature. The way this creation took place is also Sahaja.‘Sah’ means ‘with’ and ‘ja’ means ‘born’; Sahaja means ‘born with’. Everything is built in within you, like a seed. If you see a seed, it has a primule within it to sprout. Seed has the complete power of the tree it is going to be. The whole thing is in the seed. In the same way, in the human seed, the whole picture of what he is going to be, is built in, the whole mechanism is placed within.”“So the state that is awakened within you is called, is a new state of mind, in Sanskrit language it has a very beautiful name, Ritambhara Pragnya, which is a very difficult name. Ritambhara is the name of the Nature and that the whole Nature one feels is enlightened…So this special thing is your own state, where you are feeling one with Nature and the Nature is feeling oneness with you. So the Divine itself is expressing through Nature, through various happenings, through various incidents, the love, the protection, the attention that the Divine is giving – and there’s no end to it. It just happens, and people don’t know how it happens, but that is what is the state of Samadhi.”“Spiritual person is just innocent, just innocent…So whatever one says it comes through, innocence not intellect, reading understanding, analyzing. It is just pure and simple innocence. It is so clean. It all works out very well. It just says what it knows, and what it knows is the Highest.”“When you give bandhan [a protective aura of Divine Love] to others, what happens? You actually bind him by your innocence and the poor fellow does not know. He has his innocence within Him; you capture that innocence, that is all you have done, that’s how you manage. It is very simple to work out things. Only principle, the Tattwa, the whole thing rests on that Tattwa – is nothing but Innocence.Innocence cannot be destroyed. It cannot be destroyed. Innocence is something is all-pervading, so whatever people may try, it cannot be destroyed, but it can be covered, it can recede, but it cannot be destroyed. It will act in its own way.So try to develop that innocence which is the basis of Mahalakshmi Tattwa, we should say, or that is the essence of Mahalakshmi Tattwa. So the outward things, the weightage, the weight, the dignity, the behaviour, everything – it is the outward thing. And the inside thing – the Tattwa, the Principle, on which it is based - is Innocence.”“And to understand also in a very gross way, we can say, to have Ganesha Tattwa [principle, essence] developed in you, you must eat things which are emitting Ganesha principle. Like the Chana [chickpeas], like I have found out the hazelnut. Then you can see that you should use a lot of lemons – is a good idea. All of these give you a good Ganesha Tattva. So all these things should be used, and there are many other things one can see that – which help to develop your Ganesha Tattva.…But the highest of all is to control your eyes. Not to see anything that is tempting. So put your eyes to the ground. Just watch your eyes when [a person of] another sex arrives, how do you look at that person? With greed? With lust? And if you understand that, then you will start clearing your eyes very well. Another thing is, physically, you should try to do one or two exercises to be able to put your [bottom] flat on Mother Earth because that helps. So before doing meditation to Sri Ganesha, you must first do that exercise, to loosen the muscles, so that you should touch the Mother Earth in a more flat way. It will help. May God Bless you.”“Innocence is the wisest thing. You cannot befool innocence, that’s the main thing….Innocence is that which does not harm anyone, that does not think that it can solve problems, but it leaves everything for God to solve. It is just existence itself – in the Blessings of your Mother, as Ganesha was, just living on the complete Blessings of His Mother. It gives you concentration. So, innocence keeps you in the present. Innocent man is permanently relaxed....So, to develop your innocence also is a very good idea, to be in the present…when you are in the present, you are in contact with the Divine Power, but when you get out of the present, you are not there – you are under your ego or superego.…So miraculous things will happen through your innocence. The more innocent you are, the more Blissful you will be…. So, the innocence plays but it is not involved. It sees the play [of life]. Just sees. It enjoys the play. Just enjoys.…So today when we are thinking of Sri Ganesha, let us desire that ‘Within us His Great Power of Innocence be enlightened’. And he is, on the other side, the source of Love. The source of emotional security….He is the eldest of all. And despite all these years, He has kept his innocence intact…. Just try to enjoy your wisdom.…And the greatest wisdom of Sri Ganesha was that He was surrendered to his Mother, that is all, he is not bothered. And when you are surrendered, then you just understand that you give up your ego and your super ego to your Mother to bother about it. And you live with your innocence.…We talk of innocence, but to awaken innocence within ourselves we must be on the full watch, on the full alertness about our minds. – “What is it thinking? Where is it going? Where is this thief going? Is he trying to do some tricks? Is he up to some tricks? Alright!“ You have to be alert, very alert.”“…The innocence, especially in the European and American countries, is under attack. There's no respect of the innocence, no value for the innocence. They don't understand how important it is for human life to have innocence being respected - within themselves and also without. The human life is different from that of animal life. Animals are controlled all the time, or we can say, they are under a complete imprisonment, you can say - under the will of Lord Sadashiva. That's why it's called as Pashupati. But human beings have been given freedom to choose their ascent, to choose the right, to choose the truth. Only through innocence they can achieve that. Only the innocence is the source of joy, without innocence you cannot enjoy anything fully. Adi Shakti first made Shri Ganesha. It was the first deity that was created - Why? Because she wanted to fill the whole atmosphere with Chaitanya, with holiness, with auspiciousness. It is still there, it's still everywhere you can feel Chaitanya is working. But it does not penetrate into the modern minds, because modern mind doesn't know what this innocence is. They have no idea at all about innocence.

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bangalore, karnataka, India